
Heather Morris claims Jennifer Lopez cut dancers from audition based on their star sign – Music News

Heather Morris has claimed that Jennifer Lopez once cut dancers from an audition because of their star sign.

While appearing on the JUST SAYIN’ with Justin Martindale podcast, the Glee actress and dancer claimed Jennifer’s audition process included investigating potential dancers’ astrology and alleged that any Virgos who auditioned would be sent away.

“Most of the time, you’re not getting paid, you’ve been there since 10am and you’re auditioning until 6pm. You’re not getting any money, people judging you the whole time,” she said, setting the scene.

Heather alleged that the pop superstar would address a room of hopeful dancers after auditions by saying, “Thank you so much, you guys have worked so hard. By a show of hands, if there are any Virgos in the room, can you just raise your hand?”

Jennifer then allegedly whispered to her assistant and the Virgo dancers “had to leave after a full day of auditioning for Jennifer Lopez”.

When Justin asked whether the story was true, Heather clarified that it was “hearsay”.

Heather and Justin shared the clip on Instagram and he wrote in the caption, “You guys. It’s #virgoseason and this weeks (sic) episode is plump and ripe with @heatherrelizabethh we talk about her time dancing with @beyonce, her #glee days…”

The On The Floor singer has not yet responded to Heather’s comments.

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