Elektron has a major update for Digitakt in 1.50 — now with Machines, as Octatrack, Model:Cycles, and Syntakt. Those bring sample warping, slicing, chopping, looping, repitching, and forward/reverse playback. Plus you get fixed-step recording and the ability to insert sample rate reduction pre- or post-filter.
Here’s their story:
There are now several new ways to play back your sweet samples. This new OS 1.50 Upgrade brings four different Machines, all with their own different flavor. Repitch for automatic classic beat-matching, Werp for a little quirky old-school way of time warping, and Slice – to chop up your audio and placing the pieces back in any order you like. And finally Oneshot, your default Machine for playing your sample forward, backward or looped. Again, again, and again. To top things up we also added a new way to record your samples. You can now set a fixed number of steps for your recording. And, Sample Rate Reduction that can be inserted before or after the filter. Just as gritty as you like it to be.
Full release notes weren’t available as I publish this, so watch for those. The manual is updated to 1.50 already. Once again, to review:
Repitch – DJ-style beat-matching / pitch change
Slice – chop audio and play back in any order
Werp – time warping with an oldschool twist
Oneshot – simple playback
The description makes it sound slightly like forward/reverse/loop is an option only in Oneshot, but it’s in the other modes, as well – of course.
What is that “werp” business?
The Werp machine allows samples and loops to automatically stretch to the tempo of your project or pattern. The stretching is achieved through warping the audio. The sample is cut into small time segments and
played consecutively aligned to the tempo.
The oldschool part? You can then take your warped sample and play it chromatically – which is perfect.
Add that to the sample rate reduction, and this is a beautiful box that learns just the right lessons from past devices. That’s not nostalgia – that’s just keeping the best ideas.

Someone seems excited by this, as their site is up and down for me. (Quick, let’s hit publish and blame it on the CDM bump! Erm, at least until someone checks the site logs.)
But here you go – good luck (going to grab this one myself):
Support & Downloads for Digitakt
I like “Werp.” Now if you’ll excurse me, I’m going to go get another nice, hot black cerfee.
But yes, this puts the Digitakt in a nice rivalry with one of Roland’s best, the SP-404MKII. It’s great to be getting back to sampling again – and even when you’re stuck for ideas, lovely to keep a sampler alongside your modular or computer so you don’t just stare at the same patch/loop/sequence forever and fall asleep. Play!