
Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian break silence following his hospitalisation – Music News

Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian have broken their silence on the rocker’s hospitalisation.

The Blink-182 drummer was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles on Tuesday and it was subsequently reported that the musician was suffering from pancreatitis, or an inflammation of the pancreas.

Travis confirmed the reason for his hospitalisation on his Instagram Stories on Saturday.

“I went in for an endoscopy Monday feeling great. But, after dinner, I developed excruciating pain and have been hospitalised ever since,” he wrote. “During the endoscopy, I had a very small polyp removed right in a very sensitive area, usually handled by specialists, which unfortunately damaged a critical pancreatic drainage tube. This resulted in severe, life-threatening pancreatitis.”

Travis concluded, “I am so very, very grateful that with intensive treatment I am currently much better.”

His wife Kourtney, who was pictured going into the hospital with him, also opened up about the experience on her Instagram Stories.

Posting directly after her husband, she wrote, “Oh what a scary and emotional week it has been. Our health is everything and sometimes we take for granted how quickly it can change.

“Travis and I went in for a routine endoscopy together and he ended up with severe, life-threatening pancreatitis.”

Kourtney thanked fans for their support, God for “healing my husband”, and medical workers at Cedars-Sinai for “taking such wonderful care” of them both.

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